You Don't Get Cancer Today! It Has Been Inside Your Since A Few Years Back...

Here is the common reaction of cancer patients when they are first diagnosed with cancer...

"It's impossible!"

"How can it be?"

"Why me? I'm still young?"

"I'm supposed to be very healthy at this age, how can I have cancer?"

"I don't believe it! I'm going for second opinion."

"I was fine last week, how can I get cancer today?"

In short, they are in the state of shocked, lost, and despair. Cancer is a disease that is very scary because the moment it's diagnosed, most of the time it's too late. In order to fix it, the patient have to go through a series of painful surgeries and treatments. Chemo treatment and radiation therapy only do more harms than good to the body. In some cases, the patients passed away because of the dreadful pains instead of the cancer itself.

Most of the cancer patients wondered why they can suddenly get cancer. Look! You won't suddenly get cancer. Everyday there are cancer cells produced in our bodies, but there is no chance for these evil cells to become malignant because they will be destroyed by Natural Killer Cells (or NK Cells) before they have any chance to duplicate further.

NK Cells are a type of cytotoxic lymphocyte which is the major part of our immune system. NK Cells play a major role in destroying those human cells which turn abnormal due to various reasons such as virus infection or mutation.

A normal healthy person with strong immune system will have more than enough NK Cells to combat those gone-crazy cells. But as we age, our immune system's strength will weaken throughout the years until one day that the number of NK Cells is at par with the cancers cells. If one day the immune system has to 'lend' some of theNK Cells to fight off other virus attack or the immune system is further weaken by emotional stress, that is when the Cancer cells get the opportunity conquer the host!

1 to 2, 2 to 4, 4 to 8, 8 to 16, 16 to 32, 32 to 64, 64 to 128, 128 to 256, 256 to 512, 512 to 1024........ It is an exponential growth! In less than a few months, it will grow to become a tumor and eventually become malignant and lose control. That is when you feel the pain and discomfort and you go for diagnosis... Bad news!

Prevention is always the best cure to cancer. I always wonder why so many of us neglect this simple fact. I've seen a lot of cases where when they are first proposed the benefits of drinking Ionized Alkaline Water and how it can help reduce the risk of getting cancer, coming out with thousands of excuses not to purchase a Alkaline Water Ionizers. Saying it expensive, how healthy they are and blah blah blah... But they have the money to buy the latest LCD TV, go for fancy vacations, etc. Some were so unlucky struck by cancer one day can called to ask where can he buy an Alkaline Water Ionizers. All I can answer is... "Well, it might help but it is too late."

Hemen Ee is the specialist of Ionized Alkaline Water, owner of with years of experience in dealing with Alkaline Water Ionizer in Asia, where this technology was first invented. He had discovered the untold truth about the water electrolysis technology. Find out the ugly facts of the Alkaline Water Ionizer Now!


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